Mouth Sores: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention
Insight into causes, treatment, and prevention What are fever blisters and cold sores? What are canker sores? When should a physician be consulted? and more… Oral lesions (mouth sores) make it painful to eat and talk. Two of the most common recurrent oral lesions are fever blisters (also known as cold sores) and canker sores….
Your Nose: The Guardian of Your Lungs
You might not think your nose is a “vital organ,” but indeed it is! To understand its importance, all that most people need to experience is a bad cold. Nasal congestion and a runny nose have a noticeable effect on quality of life, energy level, ability to breathe, ability to sleep, and ability to function…
How Allergies Affect Your Child’s Ears, Nose and Throat
Your child has been diagnosed with allergic rhinitis, a physiological response to specific allergens such as pet dander or ragweed. The symptoms are fairly simple — a runny nose (rhinitis), watery eyes, and some periodic sneezing. The best solution is to administer over-the-counter antihistamine, and the problem will resolve on its own ….right? Not really…
Are We Through with Chew Yet?
As many as 20 percent of high school boys and two percent of high school girls continue to use smokeless tobacco, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Despite public education campaigns sponsored by medical societies, organized baseball, and individuals, 12 to 14 million American users, one third are under age 21, and…
Prevention and Treatment of Facial Sports Injuries
Playing catch, shooting hoops, bicycling on a scenic path or just kicking around a soccer ball have more in common than you may think. On the up side, these activities are good exercise and are enjoyed by thousands of Americans. On the down side, they can result in a variety of injuries to the face….
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure: What is CPAP?
What Is CPAP? The most common and effective nonsurgical treatment for sleep apnea is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP which is applied through a nasal or facial mask while you sleep. The CPAP device does not breathe for you. Instead, it creates a flow of air pressure when you inhale that is strong enough…
The Effects of Secondhand Smoke
What is secondhand smoke? Who is at risk? Effects on children… Secondhand smoke is a combination of the smoke from a burning cigarette and the smoke exhaled by a smoker. Also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), it can be recognized easily by its distinctive odor. ETS contaminates the air and is retained in clothing,…
How the Voice Works
We rely on our voices every day to interact with others, and a healthy voice is critical for clear communication. But just as we walk without thinking about it, we usually speak without thinking how our body makes it happen. However, knowing how we make sound is useful to maintaining the health and effectiveness of…
GERD and LPR: Insight into Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment
What are the symptoms of GERD and LPR? Who gets GERD or LPR? How are GERD and LPR diagnosed and treated? and more… What is GERD? Gastroesophageal reflux disease, often referred to as GERD, occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. Normally, food travels from the mouth, down through the esophagus…
Tips for Healthy Voices
Voice problems usually are associated with hoarseness (also known as roughness), instability, or problems with voice endurance. If you are unsure if you have an unhealthy voice, ask yourself the following: Has your voice become hoarse or raspy? Does your throat often feel raw, achy or strained? Has it become an effort to talk? Do…