Lasting Allergy Relief is in Season

Find Relief from Your Allergies

At Dubuque ENT, our providers offer comprehensive sinus care.  Oftentimes, sinus disease needs treated from “multiple angles”, with allergy treatment, medical management, and sometimes treatment of structural blockages.  Our providers are skilled at treating “the whole patient”, and not just the symptoms.

At your evaluation, your provider will listen to your symptoms and concerns, and examine your head and neck.  A nasal endoscopy may be performed to identify infection, blockages, or polyps.  A CT scan may be ordered to identify disease within the lining of the sinuses.  Finally, allergy testing may be ordered to help determine the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Chronic sinusitis affects an estimated 11 million americans.  

We now offer minimally invasive sinus and nasal treatments such as Balloon Sinuplasty™, PolypVac™,  Latera Implant ™, and Inferior turbinate coblation.  These simple office procedures help you to breathe freely again, and eliminate your chronic facial pressure and drainage.  Our surgeons are also skilled at endoscopic sinus surgery, and use state-of-the-art techniques such as the Propel implant to maximize your healing.

Our ENT physicians are trained in the diagnosis, treatment and management of allergies and asthma. We offer allergy testing and proven treatment plans to ease your seasonal or year-round suffering.

Common Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms differ depending on the type of allergy. The symptoms typically involve the airways, sinuses, nasal passages and skin and can range from mild to severe. Common symptoms include the following:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes and throat
  • Watery eyes
  • Postnasal drip
  • Hives
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Wheezing

Allergy Treatment Steps

1. Schedule an Appointment

The result of your immune system’s exaggerated response to a harmless substance, allergies can affect people of all ages, races and lifestyles. Making an appointment with an allergy specialist is your first step toward finally finding relief. 

2. Undergo Allergy Tests

The only way to treat your allergy symptoms is to determine their exact cause; this is accomplished through a series of allergy tests:

  • Skin prick test
  • Intradermal test
  • Blood test

3. Create a Treatment Plan

Allergies can be treated through prevention, medication or immunotherapy.

  • Prevention involves avoiding contact with the allergen that triggers your symptoms.
  • Medications include antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, eye drops and corticosteroids.
  • Immunotherapy involves building up a tolerance to an allergen by introducing it to the body in small doses over a period of time through shots, drops or tablets.

Allergies aren’t always as obvious as they might appear, and OTC treatments may not be the best option. We can determine the true cause of your allergies and help you choose a targeted allergy treatment that works for you. Breathe easy. Schedule today.

Call Dubuque ENT at (563) 588-0506 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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